How to pick the best probiotics for men?

Several probiotics are targeted exclusively at guys, but most of what you see is marketing. The same research is required to choose the amazing probiotics for men as it is for any other category, but you shouldn’t feel forced to choose one brand over another simply because it says “for men.” According to a study, the claims made on the bottle may not always be accurate. Here are some simple rules that can assist you in reducing your options:

Keep out extra ingredients:

Binders and fillers found in probiotics include lactose or cornstarch. These ingredients may cause gastrointestinal upset in some people, which is generally harmful. If properly maintained, most high-quality amazing probiotics remain effective for two years beyond the date of manufacture (more on that here). Whether a probiotic needs to be refrigerated or not doesn’t matter; make sure you’re storing them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Select a probiotic that delivers billions of organisms (or colony-forming units, CFUs) each dosage, not millions:

 Some of the bacteria found in probiotic supplements get destroyed by gastric acid. Greater CFUs assist in making up for this loss. Having stated that, clinical research investigations should eventually serve as the foundation for CFU dosing.

Analyse the diversity of bacteria:

Choose a probiotic with numerous strains, including strains from well-researched genera like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, and Saccharomyces, one or two types of bacteria.

Cut out dairy:

Choose a probiotic supplement without dairy if you have a sensitivity to it, according to Pedre.


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